Episode 326: Don't Walk Her, Walker: No-Walker vs No-Hitter

Corwin and Josh talk about: - Albert Pujols pitching - Reds no-hitter loss to the Pirates - Throwing a no-hitter vs a no-walker - Penguins losing to the mighty, mighty New York Rangers; America's NHL team and the world's greatest sports franchise YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB0f_cTSDZ23VvRvqdNMyxw Website: https://juicingthenumbers.transistor.fm/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JuicingPod Email: juicingthenumbers@gmail.com Swag: https://teespring.com/juicing-the-numbers-swag Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Dg2dIrbPNoQpSRQKWHZCG